Abel nori

Abel vita odor


Sparking all senses but smell

Abel vita odor

We created a digital flagship store for Abel vita odor - the all-natural fragrances that spark all senses, except smell.


    • Platform strategy


    • Art direction
    • Multi-sensory design
    • UX & UI design
    • Brand guidelines


    • Wireframing & prototyping
    • In-house full-stack development
Abel shop desktop
Abel Home_grey_bottle

A calm imaginative journey

We let the photographic moodboards accompanied by soundscapes inspire and envelop the visitors, helping them imagine the different all-natural scents of Abel.

Triggering the senses

The Abel brand embraces nature on every possible level, we brought subtle animated imagery and natural sunlight together to align with this vision.

Abel shop desktop
Abel shop

Poetic descriptions

Each fragrance is accompanied by a few words evoking feelings, places, memories which let visitors imagine their own interpretations of the scent.

Abel Nurture
Abel Odor Fabriek

Abel journal

Whether it is about a collaboration with Dutch artist Julie Haverkamp or the inauguration of the Abel Fabriek Abel is communicating their constant evolution through their Journal page & emails templates we designed for them.

Technology we used to build

We combined the reliability of Wordpress with the e-commerce prowess of Woocommerce, enriched by HTML, CSS, and Javascript for personalized web experiences.

IVYPARK portrait

Next up — Adidas
